Danny Johananoff

Danny Johananoff is a self-taught photographer, presently living in New York.

At the age of 11, he was stretching up to reach the developer and fixer trays while helping his father in the dark room. He, then produced his first panning photo that won a third price in a photo magazine. He is carrying a camera, ever since; documenting, experimenting and enjoying the outcome.

As a teenager, Danny used to photograph paintings in art galleries and archeological items for museums. He used his experience during army service.

His photography today is the result of many years of travel and shutter button clicks.

In the last few years Danny’s technique evolved towards what he calls “painting” with the lens of his camera, using slow shutter speed. This quite unique, abstract and blurred photography is becoming an icon with which he is clearly identified. Danny prefers to keep the images emerging from the camera almost untouched, minimizing post editing. 

Since 2018, he has exhibited his work in galleries and social media. His images are showing in NY, Miami, Rome, and Milan with further exhibitions scheduled for the coming months in London and Barcelona. 

Email: dananoff@gmail.com

Instagram @johananoff

Website: danjohananoff.com 

Check Interview with Danny on Contemporary Art Curator Magazine website:
