Steffi Pieters

Born in Leuven, Belgium I have always had a strong connection with nature, beauty, the arts, human nature and my own heart. Being highly sensitive and not always being able to make sense of the information I received from both the outer world and my own inner landscape - I found my refuge in classical music, observing beauty and expressing myself through dancing, singing and, later on, writing. Over the years, I have learnt about the strength of the heart and its importance in my life. 

After a number of life-changing experiences in Latin-America and Africa, I started to paint. It felt like a long lost love that was ready to be reborn. My relationship with my heart and soul deepened quickly as I explored my gift as a painter.

After a while, I realised I needed to introduce a specific quality to my artwork: flow. This flow - or natural way of coming to life - brings presence, authenticity and openness to the canvas. I use my intuitive abilities and heartfelt connection with life in order to create a work of art that is aligned with universal vibrations of compassion, grace, freedom, oneness, peace, love, and so much more. Our essence is pure beauty. This way of experiencing the world and human nature is the foundation of my artwork. Every painting is designed to reflect the essence of the one perceiving it. Since we are all connected, we could see a piece or a layer of ourselves mirrored by the canvas. The key is to look through the eyes of our open hearts.  I wish that every person who contemplates a painting that I created, sees their own inner beauty.

